它位于昆明市南部,是著名的歷史文化古鎮(zhèn),古滇文化的發(fā)源地之一,官渡古鎮(zhèn)的魅力 在于古塔,古寺,古街,古樹,古巷,古井,古橋,古居;古鎮(zhèn)八景分別是:官渡漁燈,峰 螺疊翠,云臺月照,杏圃牧羊,凌云圍繞,滇南草坪,金鋼夜話,筆寫蒼穹,這些景點構(gòu)成 了具有風景韻味的官渡。
篇二:昆明官渡古鎮(zhèn)景點介紹 中英對照
Guandu Old Town
Guandu Old Town is one of the historic and cultural towns in Kunming area. It is situated in the southeast suburb of Kunming.
Originally called "Wodong", Guandu used to be a fishing village by the Lake Dian. In as early as the Tang Dynasty, Wodong served as an ideal stop for officials of the Nanzhao Kingdom (738-937) for sightseeing around the Lake Dian. In the onwards Song Dynasty, Mr. Gao Shengshi, who was the governor of Shanchan City (name for Kunming in the Song Dynasty), paid frequent visits to Wodong and berthed his boat on the shore. He later on named Wodong "Guandu" (official ferry) and brought it under his control, setting up Guandu County and constructing a town.
Major sights of Guandu Old Town can be briefed as “six temples, seven pavilions and eight shrines”, among which the earliest are Tuzhu Temple and Fading Temple.
(1)-Tuzhu Temple (tǔ zhǔ miào)
Originally erected in the Nanzhao Kingdom Period (738-937), Tuzhu Temple covers an area of more than 5,000 square meters and serves as the shrine for Deity Mahakaya (Da Hei Tian Shen)-a protector of the Nanzhao Kingdom. Mahakaya was in fact Siva in Brahmanism in Ancient India. After converting into Buddhism, he became a Buddhist guardian. When Buddhism was introduced into the Nanzhao Kingdom (Dali Area) from Tianzhu (Ancient India), he was enshrined as a “patron god” (Tuzhu) by locals of Dali.
(2)-Fading Temple (fǎ dìnɡ sì)
Originally erected in the Nanzhao Kingdom Period (around 756), Fading Temple underwent renovation in the 21st year of Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynasty. It covers an area of about 2,500 square meters, consisting of the Main Hall, the Side
Halls, the Wing Rooms and the Gate etc. Being a column-and-tie wooden structure (Chuan Dou Shi), the main hall used to be the shrine of Mahakaya. The side halls and wing rooms are shrines of Buddhist and Taoist deities such as Goddess of Mercy, God of Fortune and Yuewang King (namely Mr. Yue Fei, a brave general in the Song Dynasty).
(3)-Miaozhan Temple (miào zhàn sì)-the No. 1 of the six temples
Miaozhan Temple was first constructed in the 27th year (1290) of Zhiyuan Period of the Yuan Dynasty but was damaged by floods. It was reconstructed and shifted to the present site in 1325. There used to be two 13-storeyed dense-eave and solid pagodas of which the west one has been brought down by earthquake.
One can see a plaque inscribed with "Shao Lin Si" (Shaolin Temple). In 2008, Guandu District of Kunming and Shaolin Temple based in Songshan Mountain in Henan Province signed an agreement, according to which the latter is entitled to take over for 20 years Miaozhan Temple, Tuzhu Temple, Fa’ding Temple and Guanyin Temple in Guandu Old Town. Master Shi Yongxin, the Buddhist Abbot of Shaolin Temple, showed up to attend the opening ceremony of “Guandu Shaolin Temple”.
(4)-Jingang Pagoda (jīn ɡānɡ tǎ)-highlight of Guandu Old Town
Guandu Old Town is usually recognizable by Jingang Pagoda in front of Miaozhan Temple. Sponsored by Luo Gui, a eunuch who garrisoned in Yunnan in the Ming Dynasty, it was constructed in 1457. (“Jingang” is a kind of pagoda construction style originating from India. Buddhist pagodas designed in this style usually comprise two parts: the pedestal and the major part. The pedestal surface appears rectangle or square while the major part turns out to be a big pagoda surrounded by four small ones)
The pagoda is said to be erected to vanquish a devastating devil locally called “Luo Si Guai” (Devil Conch). As the core of the architecture complex of Guandu Old Town, Jingang Pagoda appears to be the oldest of its kind in China.
Jingang Pagoda is composed of the pedestal and the major part. The surface of the pedestal is 10.4 meters wide and long, and 4.7 meters high; its base is hollow and has four gates spacious enough for vehicles to pass through. The major part of the pagoda is five pagodas the biggest of which is as tall as 16 meters and the small four ones all measure 8.84 meters high.
在云南中部,有一片波光浩渺的湖水,儼如高原上鑲嵌的一顆璀璨晶瑩的明珠,這就是古老的 "滇南澤",因距昆陽城最近,故又名"昆陽湖",即人們熟悉的"五百里滇池"。以往詩人對她描寫是:昆池千頃浩溟漾,浴日滔天氣量洪,倒映群峰來鏡里,雄吞六河入胸中。坐落在這美麗高原湖畔的城市,就是春城昆明。昆明是云南省的省會,位于云貴高原中部,四面環(huán)山,南臨滇池,六河縱橫,中間一馬平川,形成了膏腴沃壤的昆明壩子。
昆明地處云貴高原中部,市中心海拔1,891米。南瀕滇池,三面環(huán)山。屬于低緯度高原山地季風氣候,由于受印度洋西南暖濕氣流的影響,日照長、霜期短、年平均氣溫15攝氏度。氣候溫和,夏無酷暑,冬不嚴寒,四季如春,氣侯宜人,是極負盛名的"春城 "。為此前人有詩描寫它的特點是:昆明臘月可無裘,三伏輕棉汗不流,梅綻隆冬香放滿,柳舒新歲葉將稠。每年的12月到來年的3月,一群群躲避北方海域寒風的紅嘴鷗,萬里迢迢地從遠方飛來,落棲在昆明城中。