My Little School Bag-我的小書包
中國作文網(wǎng)(原創(chuàng)整理的 > 初中英語作文我有一個美麗的'小書包。你別看它小,它可能裝不少東西呢。瞧,里面有鉛筆盒,筆記本,還有好多好多的書,語文、數(shù)學(xué)、英語。它是我學(xué)習(xí)的好伙伴。
My Little School Bag
I have a beautiful school bag. Although it is small, it can hold lots of things. Look, there is a pencil box and a pile of notebooks. There are still many books in it, Chinese book, maths book and English book. It is a good companion of mine in studying.
【My Little School Bag-我的小書包】相關(guān)文章: